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MSc. in Water Resource Development, 2016

Institute of Water and Flood Management  

Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka.

Thesis :  Impacts of Dynamic Interaction Between Astronomical Tides and Monsoon Wind on Coastal Flooding along Bangladesh Coast

Supervisor: Dr. Anisul Haque


Background and present state of the problem


The potential of high tide flooding at coast has a strong spatial component at a verity of scales. Coastal area of Bangladesh is low lying and flooding is a common phenomenon. Primarily astronomical and meteorological forcing are the two main causes of this flooding where various local and climatic factor engender the severity of this phenomenon  Short and long term rotation of earth, sun and moon are the main cause of astronomical force which leads daily to 20392 year water level cycle . On the other hand, due to meteorological forcing, wind set up is of particular importance in shallow water bodies with large horizontal extent . In Bangladesh coast, during monsoon strong south /south-westerly monsoon wind coming from the Indian Ocean, after traveling a long distance over the water surface, enter into the coastal area . This wind gives additional rising to astronomical tidal water level. Astronomical tide follows short and long term cycles. Amplitude & phase of these cycles can also vary along the coast and have significant impact on flooding. There is a high possibility that strong monsoon wind coincides with the peak of any astronomical cycle. That will lead to an extreme flooding event which will have a stern impact with different characteristics from usual high tide flooding. In recent years, in few locations along Bangladesh coast there are some evidences of extreme tidal flooding during monsoon period. Studies have not yet been performed to analyze this flooding in detail. This study will analyze short and long term astronomical tidal characteristics, monsoon wind patterns, their interactions, up-welling of the sea surface due to monsoon wind and resulting coastal flooding due to these combined forces.


Objectives of this study


The main objectives of this research are:


Along the Bangladesh coast -


  1. Analyze short and long term tidal characteristics.

  2. Analyze short and long term monsoon wind characteristics.

  3. Determine the nature of dynamic interaction between the tide and monsoon wind.

  4. Study the impacts of tide-monsoon wind dynamic interaction on coastal flooding.




This study was carried out under the Collaborative research work of ESPA Deltas Project  with financial support from the Department for International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), as part of the UK’s Living with Environmental Change Programme (LWEC).


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