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Previous Projects:


Research on the Morphological processes under Climate Changes, Sea Level Rise and Anthropogenic Intervention in the Coastal Zone ( September 2016 - October 2017)


Funded By : Ministry of Water Resources-Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh


The main objective of this research is to compute the dynamic distribution of water and sediment flows in the coastal region of Bangladesh, their impacts on coastal sedimentation and morphology under sea level rise, climatic changes and anthropogenic interventions with special emphasis on water logging in the region.


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Inundation pattern during a high tide and low tide condition at proposed cantonment site
Feasibility Study for the Construction of a Cantonment along the right bank of the Payra river in Patuakhali District ( May 2016 - October 2017)
Funded By : Bangladesh Army
The main objective of this research is to see the long term trend of the river shifting using satellite image and Arc-GIS ; Compute the hydro and morpho dynamic characteristics of the study site, Inundation pattern under different climatic scenario, fluvial and tidal flooding condition,storm surge condition, using the Delft 3D Hydro dynamic software; Design the drainage channel and river training work…  

Modelling oil spill that occurred on 9 December 2014 at the Shela River in Sundarbans, Bangladesh 

Funded By : UK Government's Department for international Development (DFID) and the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada.


The DECCMA project will analyse the impacts of climate change and other environmental drivers across contrasting deltas in Africa and Asia. Processes of migration will be analysed using survey, participatory research and economic methods. Potential migration of men and women will be contrasted with other adaptation approaches using a stakeholder-driven and co-produced integrated assessment approach. The project study sites are the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta (Bangladesh and India), Mahanadi delta (India) and Volta delta (Ghana). 


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Completed Task

  • Analysis of long term water level, discharge, topography, wind, salinity , sediment concentration data in GBM delta applying statistical tools.                                        

  • Model set up, calibration and validation of the 1D Hecras model.                                                                                 

  • Model set up, Calibration and validation of the Morpho-dynamic model.

  • Prediction of century scale morphological change of GBM delta for different climatic condition and Sea level rise scenario.                                                    

  • Model set up, Calibration and validation of salinity Model.

  • Prediction of salinity intrusion in Bangladesh coast on a century scale for different climatic condition and Sea level rise scenario.                                                              

  • Model set up, calibration and validation of inundation model.

  • Prediction of inundation pattern in Bangladesh coast on a century scale for different climatic condition and sea level rise scenario.                                                                         

  • Reliability, Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of Delft 3D Model.

  • Storm surge induced morphological change in an estuary













Research Associate ( May 2013 -  March 2016):
Modelling Team, Bangladesh Part
Funded By : The Department for International Development (DFID), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), as part of the UK’s Living with Environmental Change Programme (LWEC).

This project aims to provide policy makers with the knowledge and tools to enable them to evaluate the effects of policy decisions on people's livelihoods. This is being done by a multidisciplinary and multi-national team of policy analysts, social and natural scientists and engineers. Collectively they are using a participatory approach to create a holistic approach to formally evaluating ecosystem services and poverty in the context of the wide range of changes that are occurring. These changes include subsidence and sea level rise, land degradation and population pressure in delta regions. The approach is being developed, tested and applied in coastal Bangladesh, but is expected to ultimately be applicable in other deltas.


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