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  1. Haque Anisul, Sumaiya and Munsur Rahman, "Flow Distribution and Sediment Transport Mechanism in the Estuarine Systems of Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta." International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 7.1 (2016): 22. (Pdf)

  2. Haque Anisul, Sumaiya and Munsur Rahman, “Reliability analysis of dynamic models,” Manuscript prepared.

  3. Anisul Haque, M. Shah Alam Khan, Sumaiya, Munsur Rahman.” Storage Re-distribution for Flow Augmentation in the Estuarine Systems of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta. in review (Water Science and Engineering).

  4. H.M.A. Mahzuz, Mushtaq Ahmed, Moon Moon Dhar and Sumaiya.” Use of Stone and Several Biomaterials as Course Aggregate in Concrete.” Asian Journal Of Engineering, Sciences & Technology, Vol. 3, Issue 1, March 2013. (Pdf)

Conference Paper

Presenting a Research paper in Kyoto, Japan
  1. John T. Schubert; Jonathan A. Czuba; sumaiya sumaiya,"Sedimentation, Bankfull Flow, and River Floodplain Connectivity across Topographically Distinct Floodplains and their Implication for Floodplain Management", Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling Conference (SEDHYD 2019).

  2. Jonathan A. Czuba; Muneer Ahammad; Sumaiya Sumaiya, "Laser In-situ Scattering and Transmissometry–Stream-Lined 2 (LISST-SL2) Testing", Federal Interagency Sedimentation and Hydrologic Modeling Conference (SEDHYD 2019).

  3. Sumaiya Sumaiya; John T. Schubert; Jonathan A. Czuba; Scott R. David; Graham H. Johnston; and Douglas A. Edmonds, " Deposition and erosion potential of sediment in a channelized floodplain", Conference: AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2018.

  4. Jonathan A. Czuba; sumaiya sumaiya; John T. Schubert; Scott David; Graham H. Johnston; Douglas A Edmonds, "Human Influences on Fluvial Geomorphic Processes In A Channelized, Agricultural Floodplain Along The East Fork White River, Indiana", Conference: GSA Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA - 2018.

  5. Rabeya Akter, Fatin Nihal, Sumaiya, Tnveer Ahmed, Mashrekur Rahman, Anisul Haque, Munsur Rahman, Salinity in Coastal Bangladesh: Present-Day-Condition & Future-Scenario, "4th DECCMA Consortium Workshop, University of Southampton, UK", 12-15 Jan 2016. (Pdf)

  6. Akter Rabeya, Mohiuddin Sakib, Rahman Mashrekur, Sumaiya, Rahman Mashrekur, Haque Anisul, Rahman Munsur, Islam Rashedul, "Climatic and Cyclone Induced Storm Surge Impact on Salinity Intrusion Along the Bangladesh Coast"Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Application of Physical Modelling in Coastal and Port Engineering and Science (Coastlab16) Ottawa, Canada, May 10-13, 2016 Copyright ©: Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. (Pdf)

  7. Akter Rabeya, Sumaiya, Rahman Mashrekur, Haque Anisul, Rahman Munsur “Prediction Of Salinity Intrusion Due To Sea Level Rise And Reduced Upstream Flow In The GBM Delta.” 20th Congress of the Asia Pacific Division of the International Association for Hydro Environment Engineering & Research IAHR APD 2016, August - 28-31Colombo, Sri Lanka. (Pdf)

  8. Rahman Mashrekur, Sumaiya, Akter Rabeya, Haque Anisul, Rahman Munsur. “Isohalines to Demonstrate Predicted Salinity Intrusion in the Coastal Region of Bangladesh.” International Conference on Climate Change and Water Security (ICCWS 2015) 27th December, 2015, MIST, Dhaka, Bangladesh.  (Pdf)

  9. Sumaiya, et al. "Modelling Salinity Extremes in Bangladesh Coast.”  5th International Conference on Water & Flood Management (ICWFM-2015), BUET. (Pdf)

  10. Haque   Anisul, Sumaiya and Munsur Rahman.” Flow Distribution and Sediment Transport Mechanism in the Estuarine Systems of Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta.” 2015 APCBEES Kyoto Conferences Proceeding.

  11. Ali Mohammad Rezaie, Sumaiya, Shah Alam.” Computation of Discharge and Flow Volume for Different Flooding Scenario in the Lower Meghna Estuary.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2014), 14~16 February 2014, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh. (Pdf)

  12. Anisul Haque, Munsur Rahman, Shah Alam, Sumaiya, “Reltionship between the Shapes and Hydraulic Regimes of the Estuaries of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta.” International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013)”.  (Pdf)

  13. Munsur Rahman, Anisul Haque, Muhammad Khalid Bin Siddique,  Mohammad Rezaie Ali, Md.Hafez Ahmed1, Robert J. Nicholls, Stephen Darby, Judith Wolf, Sumaiya,Tuhin Ghosh. et al. “A Preliminary Assessment of the Impact of Fluvio-Tidal Regime on Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta and Its Impact on the Ecosystem Resources.” International Conference on Climate Change Impact and Adaptation (I3CIA-2013). (Pdf)

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