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Objective of the Study:


  1. Review the studies on sedimentation, morphological changes, subsidence and water logging  since 1960s under variety of changes in flow and sediment regime due to anthropogenic interventions in the coastal zone;

  2. Understanding the changes in sedimentation and morphological processes due to polderization in the coastal zone in general and south west region in particular (by applying mathematical models and using satellite images).

  3. Understanding the impacts in sedimentation and morphological processes due to   changes in flow and sediment load for different scenarios of upstream withdrawal and conservation of water resources (by applying mathematical models).

  4. Understanding the consequences of sea level rise and climate changes (changes in upstream flows and frequent cyclonic surges) on the process of sedimentation and water logging in the coastal regions (by applying mathematical models).

  5. Assess recent (2016 and 2017) water logging situation and compare this with the past (2004) events (by using satellite images)

  6. Assess the impacts of variety of adaptive strategies in the south west coastal region to reduce the impact of water logging (by making field visits and by using satellite images).  

  7. Recommend the mitigation measures to combat future water logging situations in the coastal region.



Overall Goal:


Overall Goal of the research is to undertake an investigation to meet the gaps in the understanding of the flows, sedimentation processes and the morphological changes likely to happen under the climate changes and sea level rise and facilitate in taking informed decisions about the challenges of water logging giving emphasis to future strategy for polderization in the coastal region.


Scope of Works of the Study:


The scope of work under the project is summarized as follows:


  1. Computation of present water and sediment inflows in the region considering climatic & anthropogenic interventions.

  2. Computation of present water and sediment distribution and associated morphological changes in the region.

  3. Simulation of future impact of climatic and anthropogenic interventions on coastal morphology of Bangladesh



A Short Outline of the Project:


  1. A review of studies relevant to sedimentation and morphological changes in the coastal zone;

  2.  Generate scenarios of upstream changes in flow and sediment loads under climate changes and anthropogenic interventions in GBM basin;

  3. Generate scenarios of boundary conditions at the Bay of Bengal in terms of sea level rise;

  4. Assess the sediment distributions in the region under variety of selected scenarios of upstream flows, sediment load changes, climate change and sea level rise;

  5. Assess the efficacy of existing polderization under future selected scenarios;

  6. Review of studies on historical water logging in the coastal region;

  7. Predict the future water logging situation in the years 2016 and 2017 using satellite images and field visits and report on comparison with earlier events since 2004;

  8. Assess mitigating and adaptive measures to reduce water logging under future scenarios.





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